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—“Requiem for the Fallenfor soprano, choir and orchestra, on poems by E. Dickinson, L. Binyon, R. Kipling, and J. H. McCrae, Op. 50 (2017–2019)


Piano and band fantaisie "Destination West", celebrating the 150 years of the first the transcontinental railroad link, Op. 52 (2018)
Piano and orchestra, Op. 39 (2013)
Divertimento for trumpet and strings, Op. 40 (2012)
Divertimento for alto flute end strings, Op. 40a (2012)
— Divertimento for cello and strings, Op. 40b (2012)
Clarinet and orchestra, Op. 34 (2012)


“In Ténarèze Country”, trio for clarinet, violoncello and piano in two tableaus, Op. 44 (2015)
Brass Quintet “Susie Sunshine” for trumpet I & II, horn, trombone and tuba, Op. 38 (2012)

— “Melody for Trumpet & Strings”, transcription of Ave Maria for soprano and organ, Op. 32 (2008). Also transcribed for alto flute and strings,
— “Solitude”, a contemporary chorale for trumpet I & II, horn and trombone, Op. 28 (2007)
— “Baroque Fugue” for string trio, Op. 6c (2007)
Brass Quintet: “Our World as It Is”, for trumpet I & II, horn, trombone and tuba, Op. 20 (2005)
— “Little Elegy” for violoncello (or flute) and piano, Op. 3a (1997)
— “Elegy” for trumpet, violoncello and left hand piano, Op. 3 (1996)
Trio for trumpet, horn, and left hand piano, Op. 7 (1996)
Trio for trumpet, violoncello and left hand piano, Op. 7a (1996)
— “Of Barbed Wire and Red Roses”, Suite for large brass and timpani, Op. 1b (1996)


“Sketches of Freshness”, set of six piano miniatures, Op. 35 (2009)
— “The Pyrenees”, set of eleven miniatures, Op. 31 (2008)
— “Partita italiana” or Fifth Piano Sonata, Op. 26 (2006)
— “Caprices”, Op. 23 (2006)
— “A Reveler’s Rag”, Op. 22 (2005)
— “Neapolitan Suite” after the Organ Suite, Op. 19 (2004)
Pseudo Classical Sonatine, Op. 18 / 18a (2003, 2007)
— “Fantaisie française” or Fourth Piano Sonata, Op. 17 (2003)
— “A banker’s Dozen”, eleven miniatures in various harmonic styles, Op. 13a (1999) and Op. 13b, version for the visually impaired (1999)
— “Solemn Spring” or “Virtuoso Concert Adagio”, Op. 12 (1999)
First Sonata, Op. 2a (1996)
Second Sonata, Op. 10 (1997)
Third Sonata “Colors of July”, Op. 11 (1998)
Prelude, Chromatic Invention and Toccatina, Op. 4 (1996)
Six Pieces, Op. 4a (1996)


— “Two Organ Pieces for the Beginner: Processional for a Wedding and Canonic Palindrome”, Op. 25 (2006)
Organ Suite, Op. 16 - The last movement of the sonata, “Heroic March”, is a memorial to the victims of the Sept. 11th, 2001 WTC attacks in
NYC - (2002)


—“In Arizona, By The Campfire”, five melodies for concert harp, Op. 42 (2014)


—“Two Humoresques: Canonic Palindrome and Noisy Toy”, Op. 14 (2000)


—“Two Carillon Pieces: Crab Canon and Allegretto” for chromatic carillon, Op. 15 (2000)


— “Goodbye”, melody on poem by C. Sandburg, for soprano and string ensemble or soprano and piano Op. 53a and Op. 53b (2018)
— “Wanderer’s Night Songs”, setting in German of the “Wandrers Nachtlieder” poems by Goethe for soprano and piano Op. 51 (2017)
— “Winter Wood”, song cycle in Russian on poems by I. Bunin, F. Tyutchev and Y. Petrachuk, Op. 49 (2016)
— Morgen”, melody in German on poem by John Henry Mackay, for soprano and piano, Op 48 (2016)
— “The Truth”, humorous melody for soprano and piano, Op. 46 (2015)
— “Yulia”, cycle of seven melodies for soprano and string quartet, Op. 45 (2015
— “Come Ye Who Love”, Melody on verses by John Donne and Channing, for soprano, horn and piano, Op. 43a (2014)
—“Happiness”, three voice duets for soprano and mezzo-soprano with piano, on collage of verses by Thoreau, Donne, Barber, Channing,
Op.30 (2008)
— “Ave Maria”, in Latin on liturgical text, for soprano and organ Op. 29b bis (2007 - Rev. 2008), or soprano and piano Op. 29a bis (2008)
— “Three French Songs” on poems by Baudelaire, Verlaine & Rimbaud for soprano and piano, Op. 27 (2007)
— “Detours of Love”, songs on poems by Verlaine, Rimbaud & E. M. Dubois / J. de La Fontaine for soprano and piano, Op. 23 (2005)


— “A Visit from Comet Hyakutake” for Moog Synthesizer (on tape), Op. 8 (1996)
— “Prelude # 6” for computer-Ensoniq sampler (on VHS tape), Op.9 (1996)

July 2019