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Past Events


Selection of past events & premieres

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MARCH 20, 2022, AT 8PM

Congress Graz Stefaniensaal, Graz, Austria


International project, with support of the US Embassy in Austria, featuring sacred organ & vocal works by two American contemporary composers Eli Tamar and Emmanuel Dubois at Congress Graz Stefaniensaal, Graz, Austria.


DECEMBER 17, 2021, AT 7:00PM

Zurab Tsereteli Art Gallery, Apple Hall, Moscow, Russia


  • PIANO CONCERTO "Imagine New York", Op. 39 (WORLD PREMIERE). Performed by orchestra Voce Anima, conductor Michail Kotelnikov, and pianist Mikhail Benediktov.

  • ORATORIO "Requiem for the Fallen", Op. 50. Performed by orchestra Voce Anima, Moscow Synodal Choir, conductor Michail Kotelnikov, and soprano Yulia Petrachuk.


OCTOBER 29, 2021, AT 7:30PM EST

ALDERSGATE United Methodist Church, Alexandria, VA


With the support of the Maryland State Arts Council, Lyrica Classic introduces Maryland-based artists and new organ and vocal sacred music to a live and virtual audience. The project will feature works by four contemporary composers: American-Belgian composer Emmanuel Dubois, Israeli-American composer Eli Tamar, Russian-American composer Serge Khrichenko, and Scottish composer James MacMillan.


MARCH 28, 2021, AT 12PM EST



With the support of the Maryland State Arts Council, Lyrica Classic introduces new organ and sacral vocal music to the audience in a virtual setting. The project will feature works by two contemporary composers: American-Belgian composer Emmanuel Dubois and Israeli-American composer Eli Tamar.

PART I – Sunday, March 28, at 12pm

Featuring composer Emmanuel Dubois and his sacred music: ORGAN SONATA and AVE MARIA for organ and soprano performed by organist David Lauer and soprano Yulia Petrachuk. broadcast from Eglise Saint-Laurent church in Fleurance, Gers in France and Saint Bechara Church in Jubail, Lebanon.


DECEMBER 27, 2020 AT 10:00AM EST



For the “Spread New Music to the World” project, Lyrica Classic brought contemporary American music to the Russian audience, highlighting an American composer Emmanuel Dubois and his oratorio “Requiem for the Fallen”. The Oratorio was prepared at three studios and two countries simultaneously by the Symphony Orchestra Voce Anima and Russian Choir Vera, soprano Yulia Petrachuk, conducted by American conductor Michael Wittenburg in New York and Michael Kotelnikov in Moscow via teleconference platform.


OCTOBER 2, 2019 AT 7:30PM



Russian soprano Yulia Petrachuk and Austrian conductor Kurt Schmid will perform Requiem for the Fallen by Emmanuel M. Dubois, a reflection on the loss of life due to senseless war violence. The lyrics set to the music are excerpts of poems by Emily Dickinson, Laurence Binyon, Rudyard Kipling, and John McCrae.

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FEBRUARY 24, 2017



David Northington, piano & Yulia Petrachuk, soprano perform concert of classical and contemporary vocal and piano music.

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DECEMBER 9, 2016



Evening of art songs by Rachmaninoff, Debussy and Duparc. WORLD PREMIERE of song cycle “Russian Winter” for soprano and virtuoso harp by Emmanuel Dubois. Operatic arias and duets by Cilea, Mozart, Gounod, Donizetti, Lehar and Rachmaninoff. Piano solo works by Bach-Busoni and Scriabin performed by renown Italian virtuoso pianist Carlo Pari.


Chronolonogical List of Premieres & Concerts 1996 – 2000

1. Suite for Large Brass & Timpani (op. 1b) — For 4 tpt, 4 hn, 3 t-trb, 1 b-trb 1 tb and timp – Western Michigan University (WMU), Miller Auditorium, Kalamazoo, Michigan — Dr. Robert Spradling, conducting the WMU Symphonic Band Brass Ensemble – 1996 [P - Premiere]

2. First Piano Sonata (op 2a) and Piano Suite (op. 4) – WMU Dalton Hall – Phyllis Rappeport, piano, prof. emerita WMU — 1996 [P][P]

3. Trio for Trumpet, Horn and Left Hand Piano (op 7a) - WMU Dalton Hall – Dr. Stephen Jones, trumpet, WMU; Corbin Wagner, horn, Detroit Symphony Orchestra; Phyllis Rappeport, piano — 1996 [P]

4. Second Piano Sonata (op. 10) - Vedanta Art Gallery, Chicago – Phyllis Rappeport, piano — 1998 [P]

5. Second Piano Sonata (op. 10) - Western Michigan Cancer Center (WMCC), Kalamazoo – Phyllis Rappeport, piano – 1998

6. Third Piano Sonata (op. 11) – WMCC – Phyllis Rappeport, piano — 1999 [P]

7. Solemn Spring (op. 12) for Piano – WMCC – Phyllis Rappeport, piano — 2000 [P]

2001 – 2005

8. Organ Sonata (op. 16) – A memorial organ concert to the three thousand victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks— First United Methodist Church, Kalamazoo – Rev. Dr. Karl Schrock, organ, University Organist, WMU – 2002 [P]

9. Organ Sonata (op. 16) — Cathédrale Saints Gervais et Protais, Lectoure, France – Rev. Dr. Karl Schrock, organ - 2004

10. Fantaisie française (op. 17) or Fourth Piano Sonata — First United Methodist Church, Naples, Florida – Mary Seal, piano, Edison State College, Fort Myers, Florida — 2005 [P]

11. Fantaisie française (op. 17) – Edison State College (Florida Southwest University), Fort Myers, Florida – Mary Seal, piano — 2005

12. Brass Quintet “Our World As It Is” (op. 20) for 2 tpt, 1 hn, 1 trb, 1 tb — WMU Dalton Hall – Dr. Stephen Jones, trumpet, and the Western Brass Quintet (faculty quintet) — 2005 [P]

2006 – 2010

13. Fantaisie française – Fourth piano sonata (op. 17) & A Reveler’s Rag (op. 22) for piano - Euro Grand Piano Gallery, Naples, Florida – Mary Seal, piano — 2006

14. “Detours of Love” (op. 21) — Three French Songs – Collégiale de Montréal-du-Gers, France – Jacquelyn Wagner, soprano, and Mary Seal, piano — 2006 [P]

15. “Fantaisie française” (op. 17) – Collégiale de Montréal-du-Gers, France – Mary Seal, piano — 2006

16. “Detours of Love” (op. 21) — Three French Songs – Edison State College (FSW), Fort Myers – Jacquelyn Wagner, soprano, and Mary Seal, piano — 2007

17. “Detours of Love” (op. 21) — Three French Songs - Naples Music Club, Naples – Jacquelyn Wagner, soprano, and Mary Seal, piano - 2007

18. “Detours of Love” (op. 21) — Three French Songs (excerpt) — Castle of Malliac, Montréal-du-Gers, France – Natacha Figaro, soprano, and Claude Bessmann, piano, Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse, Paris (CNSMDP) -- 2008

19. “Partita italiana” – Fifth piano sonata (op. 26) – Seven Lakes auditorium, Fort Myers, Florida – Karolos Zouganélis, piano, Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris (CNSMDP) — 2010 [P]

2011 – 2015

20. “Partita italiana” (op. 26) – Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art, Auditorium Colbert, Paris – Karolos Zouganélis, piano, CNSMDP – 2011

21. “Partita italiana” (op. 26) – Sumner School Museum auditorium, Washington DC – Karolos Zouganélis, piano, CNSMDP – 2011

22. “Ave Maria” (op. 29a bis) in clarinet and organ version – Cathédrale Saint-Pierre, Condom, France – Joël Lassus, clarinet and Anton Stiller, organist at Cathédrale Sainte-Marie, Auch – 2011 [P]

23. Caprices (op. 23): Five piano pieces – Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Florida; Claude Bessmann, piano, CNSMDP – 2012 [P]

24. Brass Quintet “Our World As It Is” (op. 20) – Covenant Presbyterian Church, 2011 - 2012 Concert Series, Fort Myers, Florida – Western Brass Quintet, Western Michigan University – 2012

25. Brass Quintet “Our World As It Is” (op. 20) – Seven Lakes auditorium, Fort Myers, Florida – Western Brass Quintet, WMU – 2012

26. “Fantaisie française” (op. 17) – Auditorium Colbert, Institut national d’histoire de l’art, Paris - Karolos Zouganélis, piano, CNSMDP – 2012

27. “Caprices” (op. 23) and Reveler’s Rag (op. 22) - Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Florida – Claude Bessmann, piano, Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris (CNSDP) — 2013

28. “A Banker’s Dozen”: Eleven Miniatures (op. 13a) – Transylvania University, Lexington, Kentucky – Dr. David Northington, piano, University of Tennessee, Knoxville — 2013 [P]

29. “A Banker’s Dozen”: Eleven Miniatures (op. 13a) – Fort Myers, Florida – Dr. David Northington, piano, University of Tennessee — 2013

30. “Come Ye Who Love”: Melody in Trio (op. 43a) – Recorded in Berlin, Germany, by Jacquelyn Wagner (soprano), Corbin Wagner (horn), Till Hass (piano); Sponsored by Michigan State University, College of Music - Published in Wagner Trio CD (2014)

31. “Caprices” (op. 23): Five piano pieces – Royal Conservatory of Liège, Belgium – Claude Bessmann, piano — 2014

32. “The Truth” (op. 46) – Montpelier Art Center – Yulia Petrachuk, Soprano, Tatiana Loisha, piano — November 15, 2015 [P]

33. “Yulia” (op. 45) – Merkin Hall, Kauffman Center, New York City, cycle of seven melodies for soprano and string quartet — Yulia Petrachuk, soprano and Nova string quartet (Julliard School honors) — November 22, 2015 [P]

2016 – 2020

34. “Ave Maria” (op. 29) – Strathmore Mansion, Rockville, Maryland, FMMC Composers Concert – Yulia Petrachuk, soprano, Tatiana Loisha, piano — January 21, 2016

35. “The Truth” (op. 46) — Humorous song for soprano and piano – Strathmore Mansion, Rockville, MD, FMMC singers’ concert – Yulia Petrachuk, soprano and Tatiana Loisha, piano — February 4, 2016

36. “Détours de l’amour” (op. 21) – French song cycle for soprano and piano, with Yulia Petrachuk, soprano, and Karolos Zouganélis, piano. Seven Lakes Auditorium, Fort Myers, Florida — 2016

37. “Détours de l’amour” (op. 21) — French song cycle with Yulia Petrachuk, soprano, and Tatiana Loisha, piano – Old Town Hall, Fairfax County, Virginia – FMMC Composers Concert – 2016

38. “Détours de l’amour” (op. 21) — French songs for soprano and piano – Private concert with Yulia Petrachuk, soprano, and Claude Bessmann, piano, in Larressingle, France — September 14, 2016

39. “Winter Wood” (op. 49) — Cycle of songs in Russian for soprano and harp – Carnegie Hall (Weill Hall), New York City with Yulia Petrachuk, soprano, Jacqueline Pollauf, harpist — December 9, 2016 [P]

40. “Winter Wood” (op. 49) — Cycle of songs in Russian for soprano and harp with Yulia Petrachuk, soprano, Jacqueline Pollauf, harpist. Calvary Church, Washington DC, FMMC Composers Concert – December 16, 2016

41. "Detours of Love" (op. 21) melody cycle and "Caprices" (op. 23) for piano – David Northington, pianist, and Yulia Petrachuk, soprano. Fort Myers, Florida — February 24, 2017

42. “Morgen” (op. 48), melody, and “Shades of Autumn” and “Soft Jazz Chorale”, two piano pieces — With Yulia Petrachuk, soprano & piano – FMMC Composers concert. – Fairfax County City Hall, Fairfax, Virginia — March 20, 2017 [P]

43. Three German Songs: "Morgen" (op. 48) (Poem by John Henry MacKay), "Der du von dem Himmel bist" (op. 51, 1) and "Über allen Gipfeln" (op. 51, 2) (the "Wandrers Nachtlieder" poems by Goethe) with Yulia Petrachuk, soprano, and Elizabeth Brown, piano - FMMC Composers Concert. Calvary Baptist Church, Washington DC — December 15, 2017

44. "Happiness" (op. 30) — Cycle of three duets for soprano and mezzo-soprano: 1. Happiness, 2. To Sweeten Our Lips, 3. Come Ye Who Love - With Yulia Petrachuk, soprano, Elise Jenkins, mezzo-soprano and Ina Mirtcheva, piano - FMMC Composers Concert, Calvary Baptist Church, Washington DC — February 23, 2018 [P]

45. "Destination West" (op. 41) — Fantaisie for piano and band illustrating the first transcontinental rail connection in the United States. Based on the Concerto Op. 39. Mary Seal, piano, and Thomas “Tom” Smith conducting the Southwest Florida State University band — Barbara B. Mann Auditorium, Fort Myers, Florida — 2018 [P]

46. "Destination West" (op. 41) — Fantaisie for piano and band with Karolos Zouganélis, pianist, and Vincent Blesz, leading the municipal band "La Fleurantine". Mother's Day Concert at the Cultural Center of Fleurance, Gers (France) — May 26, 2018

47. "Oratorio "Requiem for the Fallen" (op. 50) — Second part of the oratorio for soprano, choir and orchestra; composed as memorial and homage to the victims of war and in commemoration of the centennial of the end of WWI; based on "In Flanders Fields", poem written at the front in Belgium (1915) by Canadian military doctor John McCrae -- With Yulia Petrachuk, soprano, and Vincent Blesz leading the choir and the orchestra of Fleurance, Gers. Concert at the Church of Saint-Clar, Gers (France) — June 16, 2018 [P]

48. “Goodbye” (op. 53) and “Winter Wood” (op. 49, 2) — With Yulia Petrachuk, soprano, Peter Omelchenko, mandolin, and Anna Kushner, guitar. Seven Lakes Auditorium, Fort Myers, Florida — February 21, 2019

49. "Married Love", melody from song cycle "Detours of Love" (op. 21) — With Yulia Petrachuk, soprano. Church of the Holy City, Washington D.C. — May 3, 2019

50. Oratorio "Requiem for the Fallen” (op. 50) — Expanded version of the Oratorio for soprano, choir and orchestra played in 2018. The large version premiered at Carnegie Hall (Zankel Hall), New York, NY, with Yulia Petrachuk, soprano, Kurt Schmid, conductor, Lyrica Classic vocal ensemble, and Symphony in C orchestra — October 2, 2019

51. Oratorio “Requiem for the Fallen” (op. 50) — Oratorio for soprano, choir and orchestra. Virtual concert broadcast from Mosfilm Studio in Moscow, from Washington, DC and from New York, NY. With Michael Kotelnikov and Michael Wittenburg conductors, and Yulia Petrachuk, soprano. Concert for Peace broadcast by Lyrica Classic, Washington, D.C. with support of American Embassy — December 27, 2020

2021 - Present

52. “Ave Maria” (op. 29bis) for soprano & organ and “Organ Sonata” (op. 16) — Virtual concert with Yulia Petrachuk, soprano, and David Lauer, organist. Simultaneous broadcast from Saint Bechara Church in Jubail, Lebanon and the Eglise Saint-Laurent church in Fleurance, France. Concert organized by Lyrica Classic of Washington DC with the support of Maryland State Arts Council — March 28, 2021

53. “Ave Maria” (op. 29bis) for soprano & organ — Aldersgate United Methodist Church, Alexandria, Virginia. With Nickolas Will, organist and Yulia Petrachuk, soprano — October 29, 2021

54. Concerto for piano and orchestra “Imagine New York” (op. 39) in four movements — Zurab Tsereteli Art Gallery, Moscow. With Michael Kotelnikov conducting the Voce Anima orchestra and Mikhail Benediktov, pianist — December 17, 2021

55. Oratorio “Requiem for the Fallen” (op. 50) — Oratorio for soprano, choir and orchestra — At Zurab Tsereteli Art Gallery, Moscow. Soprano Yulia Petrachuk and Michael Kotelnikov leading the Moscow Synodal Choir and the orchestra Voce Anima. Concert part of Lyrica Classic’s events for peace. With financial support of the American Embassy in Moscow — December 17, 2021

56. “Ave Maria” (op. 29b) for soprano & organ and “Organ Sonata” (op. 16) — Stephaniensaal, Graz, Austria. With Nick Will, organist, and Elisabeta Marin, soprano. Financial support of the American Embassy in Vienna as ‘Prayer for Peace’ concert.— March 21, 2022

57. “Ave Maria” (op. 29b) for soprano & organ at Saint Bechara Church in Jubail, Lebanon. With Yulia Petrachuk, soprano — 2021.

58.“Ave Maria” (op. 29b) for soprano & organ, and excerpts of the “Organ Sonata” (op. 16) — Cathedral of the Roman Catholic Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Moscow, Russia. With Mariana Vysotskaya, organist and Yulia Petrachuk, soprano. Sponsored by American Embassy in Moscow, in commemoration of the 150th anniversary of Sergei Rachmaninoff’s birth. Rachmaninoff emigrated from Russia to the US and took American citizenship — March 4, 2023

59. “Detours of Love” (op. 21) for soprano and piano. French song cycle: 1. Lost Love, 2. Innocent Love, 3. Married Love. With Yulia Petrachuk, soprano — Tchaikovsky Conservatory — April 17, 2023

Update: February 2025