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"ORGAN SONATA," Op. 16, and "AVE MARIA," Op. 29, by performed by soprano Elisabeta Marin and organist Nicholas Will.

With the support of the US Embassy in Austria, Lyrica Classic introduces a new American organ and vocal sacred music program, "Prayer for Peace," to the Austrian audiences in its annual international music program SPREAD NEW MUSIC TO THE WORLD 2022, featuring two contemporary composers - Emmanuel Dubois and Eli Tamar.


Oratorio "Requiem for the Fallen", Op. 50 at Moscow Zurab Tsereteli Art Gallery.

Performed by orchestra Voce Anima, Moscow Synodal Choir, conductor Michael Kotelnikov, and soloist Yulia Petrachuk – American-Russian soprano, soloist at Carnegie Hall in New York, and Musikverein in Vienna.

Piano concerto "Imagine New York", Op. 39 by Emmanuel Dubois - WORLD PREMIERE Moscow Zurab Tsereteli Art Gallery.

Performed by the orchestra Voce Anima and the famous Russian pianist, guest soloist of the Mariinsky Theatre, and teacher of the St. Petersburg State Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatory, Mikhail Benediktov.

Webinar with organist David Lauer, composer Emmanuel Dubois, and soprano and Art Director of Lyrica Classic Yulia Petrachuk.

As a part of the virtual project Organ Apotheosis produced by Lyrica Classic Entertainment and Maryland State Arts Council.

World Premier of a song cycle "Yulia" for soprano and string quartet composed by American composer Emmanuel Dubois. Performed by Russian soprano Yulia Petrachuk and Nova string quartet at Merkin Concert Hall at Kaufman Music Center, NYC, November 2015.

With the support of the Maryland State Arts Council, Lyrica Classic introduces new sacred organ and vocal music to the audience in a virtual setting.

Broadcast from Eglise Saint-Laurent Bchurch in Fleurance, Gers in France and Saint Bechara Church in Jubail, Lebanon Performed by organist David Lauer and soprano Yulia Petrachuk.

- ORGAN SONATA, op. 16

- AVE MARIA, op. 29 for organ and soprano.

US premiere of the oratorio "Requiem for the Fallen" by Emmanuel M. Dubois performed at Zankel Hall at Carnegie Hall on October 2, 2019, by: Yulia Petrachuk - Soprano solo, Kurt Schmid - Conductor, Orchestra Symphony in C, Lyrica Classic vocal ensemble.

Russian premiere of Oratorio “Requiem for the Fallen”, dedicated to the 75th Anniversary of the End of World War II. Performed by soprano Yulia Petrachuk, orchestra Voce Anima, vocal ensemble Vera, conductors Michael Kotelnikov and Michael Wittenburg. Virtual concert broadcast from Mosfilm Recording Studio In Moscow, Russia on December 27, 2020.

Song cycle of 3 French songs composed by American composer Emmanuel Dubois. Yulia Petrachuk - soprano, Karolos Zouganelis - piano 1. Nocturne/ L'amour perdu - NOCTURNE/ LOST LOVE In the old park lonely and icy Two shapes just passed. Their eyes are dead and their lips are soft, And their words can hardly be heard.

World Premier of the Oratorio "Requiem for the Fallen", Op. 50 Composer - Emmanuel M. Dubois Soprano Solo - Yulia Petrachuk, soprano Conductor - Vincent Blesz Orchestra & chorus - "La Fleurantine" June 16, 2018 at Saint-Clar de Lomagne, France

Song cycle for soprano and harp "Winter Wood" by Emmanuel Dubois, performed by soprano Yulia Petrachuk and harpist Jacqueline Pollauf.

1. The Blizzard, lyrics by Ivan Bunin

2. Winter Wood, lyrics by Fyodor Tyutchev

3. Song of Snow-Maiden, lyrics by Yulia Petrachuk

Song Cycle "Happiness" for soprano and mezzo-soprano, op.30, performed by soprano Yulia Petrachuk, mezzo-soprano Elise Jenkins, and pianist Ina Mirtcheva.

1. Happiness

2. To Sweeten Our Lips

3. Come Ye Who Love